Celebrating 100 Years

Founded in 1924, this year marks the 100 Year Anniversary for the Westport Garden Club.

April 11, 2024 marked 100 years since ten Westporters—eight women and two men met, at the suggestion of Nevada Hitchcock and Amelia Cutler to form a garden club in Westport.  Later that June, nineteen additional women were recommended for membership, and among them, are names that are still familiar: Wakeman, Coley, Bradley, and Staples.  Sara Crawford, Connecticut’s first female Secretary of State was an early member too.  The club’s first project was the installation of a memory garden at Christ & Holy Trinity Church.  

The club has been deeply involved in the community and in environmental concerns around the state since its founding, including the establishment of the Connecticut College Arboretum, the founding of the Connecticut State Federation of Garden Clubs (which now includes 114 clubs and 6,000 members), the development of tree and shrub plantings along the Merritt Parkway, the very first “Clean-up Westport” day in 1962, and the creation of Grace K. Salmon Park (on Imperial Avenue- site of a former dump), as well as projects at Town Hall, the Westport Library, Earthplace and the Westport Museum (formerly known as the Historical Society).

Today the club has 60 members and their passion and mission remains the same: to further interest in and knowledge of gardening, horticulture, landscaping, and floral design; participate in civic beautification and promote conservation and environmental education.

If you happen to pass the garden entrance at Compo Beach or enjoy the Nevada Hitchcock Garden at the corner of Cross Highway and Weston Road, or Cam’s Garden in Old Hill on Winding Lane, you will see the club at work.  And the best part is whether you are a novice or an expert, the club welcomes new members.  All you need is an interest in gardening and community.  

The Westport Garden Club’s 100th Anniversary Flower Show

The show took place on September 28, 2024 at the Saugatuck Congregational Church.

The Westport Garden Club’s celebration of Westport in this NGC Standard Flower Show, “Westport’s Town Treasures” featured design, horticulture, photography and education exhibits.

Click for Flower Show Schedule

We appreciate our education exhibitors:

Aspetuck Land Trust, Earthplace, Friends of Sherwood Island, The Town of Westport Conservation Department

Special Thanks to our Sponsors:

Axel Interiors, Flower Basket Westport, Gault Family Companies, Gilberties, Grey Goose / Spotted Horse, Imperial Dental Associates, Jillian Klaff at Caldwell Banker, Marcia Seldon Catering, Lindquist Designs, Outdoor Design Living, Vivid Cottage