
Make or request a donation

Make a donation

If you are interested in supporting the mission and projects of the Westport Garden Club but don’t have the time to commit to membership, please consider making a donation to the Club.

All funds raised by the Club are dispersed, either through philanthropy or for the maintenance of gardens. As a Club with a very small annual budget, any donation, small or large, will help us to carry out our mission—beautifying the Town of Westport and protecting its environment.

Please mail your check, payable to Westport Garden Club, to:

Katje Donovan
22 Prospect Road
Westport, CT 06880

Request funds

Organizations with a 501c3 designation are welcome to request a donation if their mission complements the mission of the Westport Garden Club which is:

To further members interest in and knowledge of gardening, horticulture, landscaping and floral design; and to participate in civic beautification and to promote conservation and environmental education.”

Donation requests will be reviewed by a committee every year and will not automatically be renewed.  Priority will be given to specific projects or needs. Organizations requesting more than $500 should be prepared to give a short presentation at a member meeting.

If you would like to be considered for a donation, click the button below to fill out an application. The form should be submitted between Nov 1, 2023 and Feb 1, 2024. Applications will be reviewed at the March and April member meetings and allocations will be made by the end of April 2024.